After much procrastination reminiscent of those grad school days when instead of actually writing my dissertation I would convince myself that I had to read just one more book before starting to write, ABD blend is finally available to order. I’m still tweaking ratios and playing with roast levels of the three beans I’m using for it—Uganda Bugisu Mt. Elon, Bali Blue Moon, and Dominican Republic Red Honey Ramirez Estate—but today’s sample was good enough for me so it’s good enough for you. Try it out and let me know what you think. I’m sure to continue making slight alterations because I’m OCD, not ABD….
Category: Products
M.A. Debuts!
M.A. may be a lesser degree than PhD, but Prof. Coffee’s M.A. blend is just as tasty. A mix of different Mexican and African beans according to availability and my whim, the current lot features FTO beans from Chiapas and FTO beans from the Hingakawa Women’s Association in Rwanda, a women’s empowerment organization that is part of the Abakundakawa (“Those who love coffee”) Co-op. I’ve been drinking different formulations of M.A. all week and think I found the sweet spot. I really like it. There’s a nice smooth creaminess to it, with berry and milk chocolate notes.
My supply the Hingakawa beans is low, but I have 15 pounds of FTO Rwanda beans from another co-op waiting in the wings. Ditto with the Chiapas beans. I’ll have to see what my supplier currently has on offer from Mexico.
Week 1’s #1
First, a big thank you to Vandy friends who placed orders for Prof. Coffee after its launch last week. This new ordering system seemed to work without any hitches. I’m still learning the ins-and-outs of payment gateways on the back end. How Apple Pay gets charged was a little confusing, but I think I have it figured out. Most orders were via Venmo (easiest to deal with), but there were a couple CC orders and one Apple Pay, which was great because I got to see how all three worked.
The bestseller in week one was (somewhat unsurprisingly) CRT. I think I should comp Gov. DeSantis a bag; that’d be a hoot!