Prof. Coffee is initiating five discount coupons for hard-working coffee profs.
1. Diploma – Once you purchase at least one bag each of M.A., ABD, CRT, Base-2, and PhD you receive a graduation gift of a free Bouquet OR a free HUG.
2. Sabbatical – For every 10 bags of Prof. Coffee purchased, you receive a sabbatical leave from paying for your next bag of coffee.
3. Full Grant – A research grant funding 100% of your next purchase of research materials (aka one bag of coffee). Periodically offered by grant agency.
4. Half Grant – A research grant funding 50% on your next purchase of research materials (aka one bag of coffee). Periodically offered by grant agency.
5. Residential Fellowship – A competitive award of one free bag of coffee of your choice per week for one calendar month given to the person who purchased the most bags during the previous calendar month. The first Fellowship will be based on purchases made from the launch date of Prof. Coffee (01/29/23) until February 28 and will be awarded during March (03/06, 13, 20, 27). In the event of a tie, the person whose purchases display the most Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (by having purchased the most varied selection of roasts) will be deemed the winner. If more than one person has the same DEI score, then the one among them who has purchased the most CRT wins. If there is still a tie, the next tiebreaker is whoever also purchased the most HUGs. If there is still a tie, then Prof. Coffee flips a coin or rolls a die live during a Zoom call with those who are still tied.
Hm, what about prizes for your tester?